Friday, September 24, 2010

Brushing your teeth and Heart Disease...where's the connection?

This may seem like a strange combination of topics, but they do in fact relate!  Over the last few weeks I have been seeing articles pop-up about how brushing your teeth can actually reduce your risk for heart disease!!  Allow me to explain...

A study done surveyed over 11,000 adults with an average age of 50 years old, on their teeth brushing habits.  The study also checked their prevelance of cardiovascular disease and C-reactive protein levels and fibrinogen.

Now, when you have high levels of C-reactive protien and fibrinogen it indicates that the body is in a state of inflammation.  When the body is in a state of inflammation, the heart has to pump and work harder, and your body is in a constant state of 'work' trying to reduce the inflammation.  This takes a toll on your heart, arteries and veins...and can lead to adverse effects on your health!!!

The study showed that over 8 years, there were 555 cardiovascular episodes, 170 of which were fatal.  These were all linked to participants that reported 'never or rarely' brushing their teeth.  (YIKES!)

Compared to those who brushed more frequently, their C-reactive protein and fibrinogen levels were lower!!  Meaning their inflammatory state was less than those who didn't brush.  People who brush once daily have a 30% higher risk, and people who brush less than once daily have a 70% higher risk for cardiovascular episodes in the future!

Remember when mom always used to get on your case about brushing your teeth, turns out, she was right (again.)!  Moral of the story...BRUSH THOSE PEARLY WHITES!!!  It helps keep your teeth healthy, but also your heart healthy too!!

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