Thursday, August 19, 2010

"What's in here...a ton of bricks?!"

Top 5 Recommendations for Backpack Safety!

5.  Every Sunday empty out your child's backpack and review what they have stuffed inside...(it may be wise to bring a large trash bag along for this adventure!)  You'd be surprised at the amount of items that accumulate inside and add un-necessary weight!  If this your child is a teenager, find out if they need to carry all their books all the time, or if they can decrease the load by carry certain books for certain days. 

4.  Check out the backpack straps for proper shoulder placement.  Make sure that they bottom of the backpack is 2 inches ABOVE the waist and resting in the curve of the low back (contrary to the belief that it should be at their knees).

3.  Continue weekly reminders that wearing the backpack on both shoulders prevents postural problems (and it's cool to wear it like that anyway!)

2.  Weigh your child's backpack once a week to determine if it is safe!  It should weigh 15% or LESS of your child's body weight.  (Yes parents, this will require you to do a little math...or hey, make it a fun game for the kids to figure out themselves!)

1.  If your child isnt under regular wellness chiropractic care, be sure to check their shoulder and head leveling at least once a month to determine if they are showing early signs of repetitive stress on their developing spine.  Dr. Meggen and Dr. Kevin are trained to determine the early signs postural stress and misalignment.  Like dentistry, early detection and correction is the key to better health, especially for kids!  So get their spines checked out!!

**If you are concerned with the weight of your child's backpack, and would like us to do a presentation at your child's school on backpack safety, please contact us at our office. (540) 656-2885!  We would gladly set up a time to meet with the administration and teachers about this very important topic!!

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